We use clinically-proven and evidence-based no-nonsence Yoga and Mindfulness practices that can assist all Responders to discover greater mental and physical health, wellness and peak performance.

Mindful Yoga Therapy, Therapeutic Yoga, Meditation and Nature-based Mindful practices for Responders health and well-being as well as evidence-based adjunct Therapy for Post-Traumatic Stress-related issues.
The demands placed upon our modern day Responders necessitates an unprecedented level of mental as well as physical resilience (ability to bounce back in the face of difficulties). These men and women are consistently exposed to intense physical and mental stresses as well as at times considerable traumatic episodes.
Continually high levels of physical and mental stress as well as exposure to trauma are having substantial negative effects on the physical, mental and emotional wellbeing of the people who serve our communities and nation day in and day out. We have seen examples of this with the roughly 20% of the 1.7 million returning Iraq and Afghanistan veterans being diagnosed with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) or Depression (approx. 340,000) as well as the unprecedentedly high numbers (estimated at 22 per day) of veterans who commit suicide.
In a recent study, Yoga and Mindfulness practices have been clinically proven to reverse several of the physiological symptoms of those suffering with PTSD. Participants in these trials experienced less occurrences of negative thoughts and moods, hyper-arousal and reactivity as well as a greater sense of peace and tranquility.
Spending time in nature can be a powerful antidote to stress. In recent years a growing body of evidence has proven what many have been aware of for a long time; that the great outdoors is profoundly good for everyone on all levels.
Our People have been extensively trained to provide Yoga and Mindfulness workshops, outdoor Mindfulness activities as well as regular classes specifically tailored to assist Responders in decreasing levels of stress and anxiety, increasing resilience and when combined with psychological treatment, aiding the management of PTSD.
Contact Us today to find out more about these services.

Presentations for Responders on Stress Management and building Resiliency through Mindfulness
If not managed appropriately, mental unease as a result of stress, anxiety, depression and lack of sleep can, over time, have significant negative effects on the body and mind. If you feel that the negative effects of stress and anxiety are interfering with your daily life, our presentations provide an introduction to tools that can assist all Responders to better manage how they deal with as well as respond to mental and emotional difficulties.
In these presentations we will:
Explore the triggers and physiological effects of stress and anxiety on the body and mind.
Discuss appropriate responses to stress and anxiety that can assist in limiting the negative effects on the body and mind.
Learn and receive the immediate benefits from specific Yoga postures (asanas), breathing (pranayama), meditation and relaxation (Yoga Nidra) techniques that can greatly assist all people in the management of stress and anxiety.
Learn how to manage the stresses of everyday life, reduce psychological issues and find more enjoyment your work and family life. Clear your mind of everyday distractions and improve your levels of focus and concentration. Become calmer and learn how to better manage the stresses and strains that inherently come with being a Responder.
What are the Benefits of these Practices?
Improved Emotional Well-being
Lessens worry, anxiety and impulsivity
Lessens stress, fear, loneliness and depression
Enhances self-esteem and self-acceptance
Improves resilience against pain and adversity
Increases optimism, relaxation and awareness
Helps prevent emotional eating and smoking
Helps develop positive social connections
Improves your mood and emotional intelligence
Super Mind
Increases mental strength and focus
Increases memory retention and recall
Better cognitive skills and creative thinking
Better decision making and problem solving
Better information processing
Helps ignore distractions
Helps manage ADHD
Healthier Body
Improves immune system and energy levels
Improves breathing and heart rates
Increased flexibility, strength & endurance
Repair of injuries
Reduces blood pressure
More longevity
Lessens heart and brain problems
Lessens inflammatory disorders and asthma
Lessens premenstrual and menopausal syndrome
What is Mindfulness and How Can It Help Me?
Mindfulness is the practice of purposely focusing non-judgmental awareness moment to moment. The most important moment is always the present, however, we are often continually obsessing about the past or future. Mindfulness uses simple techniques that are easy to implement, but require discipline to maintain. Developing and practicing mindfulness techniques can:
Bring improvements in both physical and psychological health as well as positive changes in health attitudes and behaviors.
Support many attitudes that contribute to a satisfied life.
Make it easier to savor the pleasures in life as they occur, help you become fully engaged in activities, and create a greater capacity to deal with adverse events.
Create a mental state where people are less likely to get caught up in worries about the future or regrets over the past, are less preoccupied with concerns about success and self-esteem, and are better able to form deep connections with others.
Improve concentration, creativity and productivity.
Contact Us for more information about these presentations.

Responder Yoga and Mindfulness classes for Health, Wellness and Peak Performance
When operating within highly stressful environments, mental chatter can often make it difficult to maintain an accurate perspective and sense of focus. If people are feeling too stressed, they are frequently not able to make good decisions, solve problems and stay composed. An inability to regulate emotions under stressful situations can also increase the fear of failure and decrease level of overall performance.
Regular use of Mindfulness practices helps to train the pre-frontal cortex, the part of the brain that creates a calm and alert state of mind. This assists people to stay focused, avoid distraction and perform at their best. Although the feelings of stress and anxiety arrive, these people are better able to notice their thoughts without getting attached to them. A sense of calm effectiveness enters the stressed mind, then slows down thoughts and physical responses in a way that leads to more efficient processing.
One major study found that those who reported a greater sense of mindfulness were more likely to experience a higher state of flow (the feeling of being totally in the moment which has been linked to enhanced performance). These individuals also scored better in terms of control of attention and emotion, goal-setting and positive self-talk.
Elite athletes and sports programs, from Super Bowl XLVIII champs the Seattle Seahawks, to Olympic snowboarder Gretchen Bleiler, are increasingly incorporating Mindfulness, Meditation and Yoga into their training regimen. By learning to stay focused on the present moment and strengthen the mind-body connection, these competitors have been able to unlock a new edge on their competition.
Within the business environment, leading corporations such as Google, General Mills, Intel, Aetna and Goldman Sachs have been incorporating Mindfulness techniques into the work schedule. After initial skepticism, participants of these programs have reported improved creativity, well-being and focus, decreased levels of stress and stronger enthusiasm in projects and meetings. For these companies, as well as increased productivity, the introduction of these programs has also seen a dramatic decrease in health related costs.
Contact Us today to find out more information about these services.

Responder Yoga 12 Step for Recovery Classes (Y12-SR)
Our teachers trained in the Yoga 12 Step for Recovery (Y12-SR) are able to provide this proven and sustainable addiction recovery program for the benefit of all Responders. Y-12 SR combines the wisdom of Yoga with the practical tools of 12-step recovery.
The characteristics and effects of addiction could easily be described as separation. Addictive behaviors disconnect us from ourselves, our loved ones, our environment and so much more.
Conversely, yoga itself means union, integration, balance. Yoga and its practices teach the fine art of balancing our multidimensional lives while living in a complex world.
Yoga of 12-Step Recovery was created as a holistic model to address the physical, mental and spiritual dis-ease of addiction. Informed by the latest research in neuroscience and trauma healing, Y12SR “connects the dots” by combining the somatic approach of yoga with the cognitive approach of the 12-step recovery model – the most well-known addiction recovery program in the world, with millions of active practitioners.
Contact Us today to find out more information about these services.